Keeping a Today I Learned Repository

As a developer and a curious person, I’m constantly learning new things. Whether it’s a new programming language, a new framework, or a new tool, there’s always something to discover and explore. However, I have a short memory, and I often forget how to do things that I’ve learned in the past.

Then, one day, I stumbled upon Simon Willison’s TIL repository and was intrigued by the idea of archiving knowledge in a simple, quick, and accessible way. Inspired by this concept, I decided to create my own “Today I Learned” (TIL) repository to document my ongoing learning journey.

Each entry in my TIL repository is concise and focused, describing a single new concept or technique I’ve learned, along with any relevant links or code snippets. Here are a few examples:

Since starting my TIL repository, I’ve discovered several benefits. First, I’m more motivated to learn new things and experiment with different technologies because I know I’ll be documenting my insights for future reference. This has made me more mindful of what I’m learning.

Second, my TIL repository has become an invaluable resource for me when I need to refresh my memory on a particular topic. Instead of searching through countless bookmarks or notes, I can simply search my TIL repository and quickly find the information I need.

Finally, by sharing my TIL repository with others, I hope to contribute to the larger community of learners and developers.

Perhaps one day my TIL repository will be a valuable resource for others as well, and this is just a final cherry on top.


Got any comment, opinion or correction? Please contact me via email (can be found in my GitHub profile) or via Mastodon.